Searching for the best Bituminous Road Contractors in Chennai? We are the top Bitumen Road Contractors in Chennai. During the process of bituminous road construction, hot mixture is spread on the surface of the
soil to make it hard and durable.
Bituminous road work, are also known as bituminous surfacing, which is a term used to refer to
the overlay of an asphalt pavement layer with a type of asphalt that allows for moisture and
high temperatures.
Bituminous Surfacing is done as an overlay covering all existing pavement, which means it
must be applied over an existing surface with some form of base to properly support its weight.
Bituminous Surfacing does not include traffic lanes or shoulders but instead only includes the
subgrade motorway base or service area.
Bituminous road work is a process that converts existing loose-fill, granular material into a
barrier suitable for asphalt paving.
Bituminous road work is a maintenance and paving treatment process to surface an area of road
with broken-up hard or hot ground material.
Bituminous roads can withstand high levels of traffic and heavy use.
Bituminous road work is used for the construction of highways, streets and other types of roads.
They are durable and less expensive than similar products that do not include the bitumen (such
as concrete).